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Showing posts from August, 2018

Word: "The Fleets are Coming"

  Brothers and Sisters, As I was sitting here updating some YouTube things, the Lord intercepted and caught my attention. This word I received is yet another confirmation of the Warning I put out this morning of prosecution COMING to American Christians. The same warning many other watchmen are putting out right at this very time. Please, I urge you, read my previous blog post. Share both of these with whomever you know needs to hear it/will receive it. Here is the word I received: "Come, come come. I am knocking. You must listen to me now. Close your eyes. Listen. Type. It is I, the Great Divider. Rightly Discerner. Upright in all ways. Gleaner of grapes. Shorner of harvest time.  The fleets are coming. The armies are coming. They are descending upon you now. RUN! If I have called you to go, RUN! you must heed my warnings NOW! If I have called you, hear ME. IF I HAVE SHOWN YOU, FOLLOW MY PATH! RUN BOLDLY IN THE DIRECTION I HAVE POINTED MY HAND! I AM GATHERING YOU UP


Persecution Will Come Have No Fear Not Peace, but a Sword Rewards This morning as I sat down in my recliner with my cup of coffee, I felt a pull to open my Bible right away. I turned to the index and my eyes landed on "lose your life to save it - Page 897." So I flipped to that page, and my eyes landed on a title on page 896 - "Warning of Persecutions." Immediately I was reminded of Elizabeth Lauren's video posted yesterday, on graphic dream about Christian persecution: It also felt connected to the dream I had 3 nights ago; "I was sitting in a room, in a chair, with someone who I thought I knew or was friends with. I don't know who that person actually was. This person had asked me for prayer, and I was about to pray for them. They were standing to my right. I began to pray, and immediately I was attacked by an unseen force. I was falling in slow motion. I knew that I was being attacked spiritually and physically in this moment, and


This morning I got on youtube to update everyone about the current situation in Lynchburg VA, regarding this prophecy. It was then that I realized Youtube deleted the video that I did on the NC/VA "flooding" judgments back at the end of May. This deeply concerned me, and I wanted to let all of you know that I believe this is a reason to watch this prophecy VERY CLOSELY. When the "powers that be" are hiding things like this, its clear that there's truth there that they don't want shared. I warned initially that more flooding would come to the area. The Lord also shared this with Latterrain333 (youtube) in this word back in early June: "What happened to Baltimore is only a taste of what is coming, if the people don't repent. This is a serious -- a wake up SHOUT to all who will hear! REPENT NOW .....or the 'shakings' and the 'floodings' will increase. Tell MY people to pray or their communities will also be affected. I speak throug